Coco Traveling Samoyed’s First Road Trip – to Espelette, France
LuxeAdventureTraveler’s Jennifer Dombrowski joins Paul and Elizabeth to a report on a road trip she and husband Tim took with their three-and-a-half-month-old Samoyed puppy, Coco, to Espelette, in France’s Basque country.
The village is famous, says Jennifer, for the Espelette pepper, a mildly spicy pepper originally brought to France in the 16th century by sailors returning from South America. The region is also famous for Bayonne ham and a traditional cider.
The normal harvest festivals were canceled this year due to COVID, but it’s not too soon to plan an autumn 2021 visit to this charming village. Plus, @CocoTravelingSamoyed gets her first look at sheep.